As part of Harmony Fest 2021 celebrations in Ballarat, the Ballarat African Association in collaboration with the Eureka Centre and City of Ballarat staged a Fill The Information Gap panel discussion.
At the panel discussion, the members of the panel filled information gaps about our African Australian Community as they share their stories, spoke about their contributions to society and explore our common human aspirations. The presentation included a talk by Ghana-born actor, Terry Yeboah, who played Eureka protagonist John Joseph in ‘Australia on Trial: The Eureka 13’.
According to Schelling, T. (1987); Geanakoplos, J., et al (1989) and Golman, R., & Loewenstein, G. (2018), treating the mind as a consuming organ, “theories of belief-based utility have recognised that people derive utility not (only) from objective reality but from their beliefs about that reality, e.g., their anticipatory feelings”, groupthink, untested personal opinions, etc. It is therefore an essential part of community development to evaluate the basis for our beliefs.
Schelling, T. (1987). The Mind as a Consuming Organ. In the Multiple Self, J. Elster (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 177-196.
Geanakoplos, J., Pearce, D., Stacchetti, E. (1989). Psychological games and sequential rationality. Games and Economic Behavior 1, 60-79.
Golman, R., & Loewenstein, G. (2018). Information gaps: A theory of preferences regarding the presence and absence of information. Decision, 5(3), 143–164.