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R U OK BBQ- cancelled

September 15, 2022

Event cancelled due to bad weather. As at the time of planning, it was projected it would be a sunny 19°C day. The event was a follow-up to PizzArts brought to you by FedUni African Association and the Ballarat African Association in partnership with Ballarat Neighborhood House and Ballarat East Neighborhood Centre.

R U OK PizzArts @ FedUni

September 9, 2022

Amongst many things, living and studying in a foreign land bring about emotional tolls, which in addition to the regular stress of our social and academic environment, make R U OK event of 8 September 2002 of critical relevance. We commend the leadership of the FedUni African Association for this great initiative, the first of its […]

Facilitating avenue for re-dress!

July 30, 2022

If you or someone you know witness or experience such as below (for example) Rochelle Kirkham Two Highview College students of African descent excluded for not tying back their braids – ABC News Rochelle Kirkham Braided hairstyle dispute with Highview College sisters ‘new territory’ says anti-racism ambassador – ABC News Please submit a complaint at:

BAA Africa Day Dinner

May 30, 2022

In commemorating the founding of the African Union (formerly Organisation of African Unity–founded on 25 May 1963), the Ballarat African Association hosted an Africa Day Dinner at the Buninyong Town Hall on Saturday 28 May 2022 to celebrate the contributions of Africans in Ballarat and region. A key message through the evening and our signature […]

Africa on the Goldfields

December 12, 2021

Led by Dr David Waldron and co-written by Dr Michael Akindeju, the team at “Tales from Rat City” did an amazing job of their performances on this often-overlooked part of goldfields history! In collaboration with the Ballarat African Association, this episode of Tales from Rat City hopes to shed light on the oft-forgotten experiences of African […]

Let’s Celebrate

June 26, 2021

“As remarkably noted by Alek Wek, the beautiful Sudanese-British model when she said, “the most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by”, we pause today to celebrate the milestones the Ballarat African Association has achieved through the Rebranding African-Australian Identity […]

Re-Branding African Australian Identity—Self-Efficacy (Part 2)

June 19, 2021

Videos Intentional Living (Part 2) Goal Setting & Milestones Management- a route to self-efficacy Engaging Political Identities & Expressions- Rules of Political Engagements: Appointments & Electioneering Vitalizing the wider community Photographs

Re-Branding African Australian Identity: Self-Efficacy (Part 1)

May 15, 2021

John Wooden, the acclaimed UCLA coach was famous for saying, “without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable”. For this purpose, we are gathered here today to refresh our minds and perhaps re-lay those perspectives popularized by Uche Ohia (Assessment and Quality Assurance Consultants) that “we must not equate assessment to testing. Assessment is an ongoing process; […]

Re-Branding African Australian Identity Project – Beyond Rebranding (10 April 2021)

April 12, 2021

Session Recordings Opening Remarks Wealth Creation (Part 2) Family Stability and Wealth Creation (Part 2) Manifesting the whole-self Photos

Harmony Fest 2021 (Ballarat City) Flag Raising Ceremony & Ubuntu Breakfast

March 30, 2021

Dr Michael Akindeju, the President of the Ballarat African Association was the Guest Speaker at this Flag Raising Ceremony on 16 March 2021. He also delivered a keynote speech at the Ubuntu Breakfast on 17 March 2021 as part of the Harmony Fest programs. Text for BAA President’s HarmonyFest Flag Raising Speech is available at: Text […]